Heading out of Calama, we came to our next stop, San Pedro de Atacama! We are here for two nights, as there are lots of epic places to workout, run, bike, swim – this is the place we wanted to get to in the north of Chile – and we made it! Hoorah!
The town itself, is set on an arid high plateau in the Andes mountains. The drive into here was truly something wonderful – vast desert, volcanoes, rocky mountains… Its dramatic surrouding landscape incorporates the desert, salt flats (which Michiel can’t waitย to run on!), volcanoes, geysers and hot springs. I can really tell that we are in a salty place – super thirsty all the time! Even more reason to hydrate hydrate hydrate!
We couldn’t wait to explore & workout, so much so, a plank challenge was needed straight away! (Spot Michiel)
All three disciplines of triathlete require core strength – so during training, I ensure we get a lot of ab work – planks are great for that!