The first thing I always get asked about being vegan is where do I get my protein… especially relevant for those of us who workout. Valid question – but when I ask why people are asking this, they don’t actually know why they think vegans are lacking in protein themselves. It’s just something that has been passed through generations. Incorrect information.

Yes, whole protein is in animal sources, but we can get it from a lot of other places too. The thing is, compete protein sources were understood to come JUST from animals. Chicken and eggs mainly. So other sources were deemed ‘incomplete protein’ – and people thought it was nowhere near as good a source…this has now been disproved and retracted by the original people who came up with it in the first place.

As long as you are consuming a variety of plant-based foods that includes a few servings of legumes (beans, peanuts or soy foods) and/or protein-rich grains every day, you’ll have no trouble meeting protein requirements without animal foods.

proteins-for-vegansSOME VEGAN PROTEIN SOURCES:
• NUTS & NUT BUTTER (especially peanuts)
• CHICKPEAS (& hummus)
• SOY (milk, yoghurt, products)
• GREENS (Especially spinach!)
• NUT MILKS (almond, hazelnut)
• PEA & HEMP POWDERS (great added to smoothies!)
& lots more!!

The truth is that people commonly eat more animal protein than they can process, and even vegetarians (those who abstain from flesh but consume milk and eggs) often consume too much as well.

Excessive animal protein is incredibly TOXIC to our bodies. The liver’s ability to convert excess nitrogen to urea is saturated, and the blood becomes acidic. This can cause you to lose a significant amount of water (leading to dehydration), muscle mass, and bone calcium.

Some other useful links:


Not just for vegans…
Vitamin B12
There are no reliable plant based food sources of B12 unfortunately. So us Vegans must get vitamin B12 from fortified foods, or supplements. Vitamin B12 is crucial for nervous system, mental health, and red blood cell health. A good B12 daily supplement is a good addition.
Iron is critical for helping transport oxygen to every cell in the body to produce energy so each cell can then perform its vital function. Good food sources of iron include legumes, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, spinach, raisins and rolled oats. See more on iron here.
Omega 3 Oil 
A source of omega-3 oil is essential and should be included in the diet every day. Omega-3 oils are important for decreasing inflammation in the body, maintaining healthy cell membranes and healthy brain function. Top sources of omega-3 oils are flaxseed, walnuts, chai seeds and hemp seed oil.
Calcium is needed for strong healthy bones and the proper function of muscles, including your heart! Top plant based food sources of calcium include: legumes, tofu, nuts, seeds and dark leafy vegetables.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is critical for mental health, preventing depression, bone health and a strong immune system. The best source of vitamin D is from exposure to sunlight. There are no reliable sources of plant based vitamin D, so if you are unable to get enough sunlight, then there are some great vitamin D supplements available.

