New Zealand Travel



A great place to stay as a base if you want to explore the north of the south, just an hour from Abel Tasman, and less backpackers, if that’s not your thing.

They have a few good places for swimming and gym use. Our visit had a few rainy days, so this was great when we needed an indoor spot to train! We used the Riverside Pool, and the outdoor pool in Nayland, both good facilities!

Although Michiel prefers working out outside, it’s also good to mix it up with a bike I can control at times, to work on technique and endurance together.

The 50m pool at Neyland, is both outdoors, and great for training (although v. cold!)

Nelson itself has some great sights and small shops.

It is home to the centre of New Zealand, which was on the street we stayed. A short 20 minute hill climb (not so great after working legs…) takes you to the official centre with some great views!

One last thing, do NOT miss paying Gourmet Falafel a visit – falafel platter to die for!

