I feel like the title says it all…90 miles of BEACH!!! So impressive. My favourite thing in the world is the sea, so when I heard of this place – we HAD to train here. Run day for Michiel, and perfect conditions – sand, a beach full of nothing but fresh sea air, the sun, and gentle crashing waves.
90 minutes of running, on 90 mile beach. Off he went.
I also couldn’t miss the opportunity – and trained myself here before preparing some lunch and stretch mat for Michiel’s arrival.
What a place – so tranquil – it was untouched by anything, and although we saw the odd person, it was so vast, everyone had space.
Couldn’t resist…
Unfortunately, Michiel’s problematic knee struck again. We do everything in our power to strengthen, rest when needed, and mend it, it sometimes takes over, and after an hour of running, he could only slowly finish. With some gentle stretches, he needed rest.
Liquorice seemed to make it a whole lot better.