In Italy I did two runs, of about the same distance. One was in a hotelgym, looking in the mirror, in a hot room. The other was in the vineyards, on desolate roads, in the countryside. Guess which one I liked best?
Running on treadmills is not always the same. I have had worn out treadmills that did not bounce anymore. Treadmills that were put in the smoking room of the hotel. Ones that sounded like a plane taking off. But also treadmills on the 70th floor looking over a city. Or in a zen room with a garden view.
Running on a treadmill is good for focussing on techniques and speed.
Same with running outside. Sometimes there is traffic, noise, pollution. Sometimes people are in the way or I just get lost. But also sometimes the weather is amazing, the rhythm is just perfect and all goes well.
Running outside is good for endurance and adaptation to new environments.
So the choice between running on a treadmill or outside is not that easy!
Running in Italy this time? You probably guessed right. The gym was hot and small and the countryside beautiful and zen. Outside running +1 his time!