Chile Travel



Santiago, Chile, our first stop…a brand new experience! The flight was super long, which meant a lot of time to plan and look forward to the trip (and also drift in & out of that weird broken airplane sleep..)


18 hours travel and super blurry after the flight, but Michiel soon managed to find the car rental when we arrived (hoorah). Turns out, we got upgraded to a pick-up truck. Yes, really. How amazing is it going to be to drive across Chile with this beast?! Plus, practical too – it will fit all of our workout equipment, AND Michiel’s bike in there comfortably! Look at it!


Our apartment whilst in Santiago (until Sunday) has a rooftop pool! Which is amazing! We are going to be practising Michiel’s breathing techniques with the help of some new products, and get some good swim time in every day.


This incredible back drop will be our view from the pool – you can see the snow covered mountains in the distance & so much natural beauty around this city – can’t wait to see more!




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