So, you get on a bike. You did it as a kid. Easy, right? Well yes, for some part, but training for a triathlon, especially Ironman, brings with it some tough lessons and a WHOLE new concept to a just riding a bike for fun…
The tough part starts when suddenly leisurely riding has to turn into a race effort… In order to improve enough to become an ironman, or any other competitive racer, you will need to change your mind-set from enjoyable, easy riding, to training with full intention to compete, race and push past limits you never thought were possible! Let’s remind ourselves of our goal. Ironman is 180km of biking. After a 4km swim. Before a 42km marathon. Intense to say the least. It is CRUCIAL Michiel is ready for this! Training in epic places is definitely helping…
Riding frequently is key. During base training (where we are now), Michiel is cycling at least twice a week, one shorter ride, one longer. By varying the level of intensity, it switches from just riding a bike – to training for ironman… On the shorter days, riding faster and harder for short periods of time, will ultimately make Michiel stronger! The same concept as why we also do interval/strength training.
On the longer days, we build endurance – get Michiel’s body and mind ready for the sheer determination & stamina he will need on race day. Long. Hard. Fast. Spin sessions when in gyms is also useful – a new variant to the training, different environment, different paces, new ways to test the body with cycling – &  all great for building the vital fitness we need!
Michiel with his sister Rosalie in Holland, partaking in his first ever spinning class!Â
As well as building this vital fitness & endurance, developing technique is important, the best way to improve your technique is to ride with more experienced riders so you can watch how they shift, descend and navigate corners. Something Michiel does with more experienced biker friends (which also gives him added initiative and competition to go harder & faster!). New routes and terrains makes it challenging, fun and builds strength.
Michiel completed his longest ride of 102km this week – which we are SUPER happy with! Way ahead of schedule and although we have room and time to improve on this – he pushed past limits & did incredibly well!
Recovering with our Pranamat (acupuncture mat – great for aches & pains!)