Our big event, the full Ironman in October, is in Calella, a little outside Barcelona. We were lucky enough to be in Barcelona when the half 70.3 Ironman was taking place in the same place – a great chance to go along and soak up the atmosphere!

A short train ride away, and some beautiful views, we arrived in Calella. It was so great to see the layout of the course, watch the athletes, see how everything worked, and even see the transition process that Michiel was curious about.

We cheered everyone on, and it really hit home that we would be here celebrating Michiel’s Ironman in just a few months time! SO EXCITING!

It is also daunting for Michiel, he has never experienced something like this, so it was really insightfulย to see what happens and how it all works. The atmosphere was electric! I think seeing and visualising yourself in these situations before they happen helps! A successfulย day trip/rest day!

Well done to everyone who took part!

