Chile Training

….and relax

When you think of Ironman training, I am sure you think ‘exhausting’. Which it is. It is exhausting. The constant exercise, the physical and mental stress, the nutrition, the dedication & effort it takes – Continue Reading
Chile Training


Yoga. Something a lot of people talk about, and most thing it is just for the hippies & moon worshippers (rolling eyes….) As a PT, I have always recommended yoga to clients, especially sports yoga, which helps Continue Reading
Chile Training

Sunset strength

It is so easy for endurance athletes to solely focus on swimming, cycling and running, but it is so important to also add strength and resistance training into the schedule. It enhances strength, muscular endurance Continue Reading
Chile Training

Doping Michiel

Being up so high has many advantages and disadvantages. We have to be mindful of the dangers, and the side effects that may come with that, including nausea, dizziness & headaches. Luckily, none have been Continue Reading