One of my favorite bike rides in Barcelona is the one to the top of Tibidabo mountain. It is a steep climb, but the rewards are great, so many beautiful views of the city, it is simply stunning.

Leave from Barcelona and just follow the signs to Tibidabo mountain. On top, you can have a drink, admire the view and visit the beautiful church with a big statue of Jesus on top.

You can leave the mountain the other way you came from, so you have a different route up and down (tip, do it the other way the next time, it is a whole new experience!). It’s about 26 kilometers and a climb of 320 meters. Be careful of cars, and when going down, use your brakes!

Me and my friend Kim – when with friends in Barcelona, I love to ride Tibidabo with them!

Not tired yet? That is the best thing, you can go on… via Sant Cugat del Vallès and Cerdanyola del Vallès and climb another mountain. With less cars and tourists this is a whole different experience. This trip is about 60km in total.

Tip: Visit a restaurant during the ride for lunch, they are all called ‘Can’ something, and eat calçots with romesco sauce, the traditional Catalan dish, vegan and delicious!!

My other friend Isgar and I, another keen biker, who I often ride with.

Una Calçotada

