These burgers are so easy to make, the same as our other burger recipes, they are also super tasty and I am sure you have those ingredients in already!
Using mushrooms in burgers is great – mushrooms are also good sources of selenium, an antioxidant mineral, as well as copper, niacin, potassium and phosphorous, all essential minerals that play a part in our bodies functionalities an recovery process.
Additionally, mushrooms provide protein (would you believe it!), vitamin C and iron. Because their cells walls are undigestible unless exposed to heat, you must cook mushrooms to get their nutritional benefits, unlike some other vegetables.
So not just tasty – these burgers pack a nutritional punch too – with the beans, tofu and bun included, you are getting around 35g of protein per burger too!!ย Pretty good considering a beef burger would be around 20g! Who needs animals for delicious and nutritious burgers!?
โข 1 tub of mushrooms
โข Can of cup of soaked mixed beans
โข 1/2 block of firm tofu
โข 4 chopped tomatoes
โข 1/2 cup nutritional Yeast
โข Handful of fresh basil
โข 1tsp of chilli powder (depending how hot)
โข 1tsp paprika
โข Drizzle of Soy Sauce
โข 1/2 handful fresh oregano
โข Flaxseed (for mixing into thicker patties)
1. Soak tofu slices in soy sauce, salt and pepper, and leave to soak whilst doing the rest
2. Add all the other ingredients, chopped into a bowl and mix with hands or blend
3. Form patties, using the ground flaxseed to bind if needed
4. Fry the patties in a little coconut oil, with the tofu, for around 10 minutes until golden
5. Add to burger bun, with cucumber & tomatoes and sauces